Move From Potential To Real

So far when you have been a part of a new change, do you hide away and move back into your comfort zone or do embrace change, move outside of your comfort zone and grow?

The potential that you have today can become your reality tomorrow. You know this because where you are now in your life is not where you used to be. You have got to where you are now in your life by turning your potential into your reality.

But, when thinking of where you are now in your life, are you fully satisfied, or do you have more potential to turn into reality? With the vision you have created for your life, do you feel motivated to work on yourself to turn that potential into reality?

1. Change

If you are not willing to make a change and turn your potential into your reality, then don’t be surprised when you start to see people who are willing. Don’t be surprised when you see these people getting ahead of you and going further than you in their lives.

There is no 100% guarantee that things will start to improve for you if you make a change in your life. But what I am 100% certain about is that you must make a change if you want things to start improving. When you make positive changes in your life, what you see as challenges or obstacles will also change.


There are certain things in your life that you see as obstacles, that when you make a change may not be relevant anymore. So, the one thing that is constant throughout the process of making positive changes is you.

New challenges will arise in your own life and in the organisation where you currently work, and if you don’t react to these challenges by making a positive change then you and your organisation will be stuck.

Some organisations may even go under if they don’t make positive changes when reacting to these new challenges and obstacles.

I know you will make the decision to implement positive changes in your life when you come across new challenges, and you will help your organisation to make positive changes when they come across new challenges.

2. Leveraging

There are certain qualities that you already have that you can use to help you make positive changes. This is what is known as leveraging. You were able to leverage sacrifice, you can also leverage change to help benefit you. When you leverage change, you are taking action.

You will be missing out on opportunities to grow; strive towards your vision and the life you want to create for yourself in the future if you don’t leverage change.

Not many people think of change as a thing to leverage or take advantage of to help them make improvements in their lives and in the results that they are currently seeing.

But leveraging change is very powerful and is a great way for you to keep improving on the progress you make, the results you are seeing and strive towards your vision.

When leveraging change, you must be willing to put in the maximum effort to get the maximum results with the change you are making.

When you are making a change, you will see the obvious opportunities to take advantage of, but you will also be creating new opportunities that may not be so obvious in the beginning, but you still need to take advantage of.

So, to fully leverage change you must see the obvious opportunities, see the new opportunities you are creating and again put in the maximum effort required to get the maximum results.

3. Decision

So, you need to make the decision on whether to embrace change or to resist change. What benefit does embracing change bring, and what benefit does resisting change bring? I think you and I know that by embracing change you and others are going to receive more benefit.

It’s a fact that by embracing change you are far more likely to move from potential to reality and turn your potential into a success.

When you leverage change and start turning your potential into reality, that is when you will deliberately increase your influence.

When you make the decision on what to change, you can’t just leave it there, you need to take action to implement the change. When you implement the change and deliberately increase your influence, the results of the change will be even greater than you thought.

It will also be a lot easier for you to be seen making a positive change because you may already see the following in your own organisation; most people don’t like change and they will do everything they can to resist it. So, they will never receive the benefits that your positive changes can bring.

All they will do is complain and moan about the change you want to bring, which takes just about as much energy as the action required to make the change. But don’t let that bother you, see this as an opportunity to be seen.

When you change your thinking, you can then move from potential to real and eventually turn that into a success. By making the decision to be positive and proactive when it comes to change, when everyone else is being reactive and negative towards change, you are developing a limitless mindset.

4. Limitless Mindset

With a limitless mindset, this allows you to leverage the positive changes you want to make for your benefit and for the benefit of your people. You can learn more about limitless mindsets in my book: A Limitless Mindset. How a Highly Effective Leader Thinks.”

Highly effective leaders deliberately leverage, implement and embrace change. They also know who the other highly effective leaders are around them, who do the same.


You too can grow into a highly effective leader when you focus on increasing your influence with other highly effective leaders. Implementing a positive change with people requires character and a highly effective leader has a different character level to others.

A lot of questions get asked by people when a new change has been raised, and they are usually questions with a negative spin on them. But, all you need to do to put a positive spin on these questions is put one word at the beginning…” How.”

Most people ask the question, “Can I do this?” or, “Can we do this?” All you need to do is put the word “How” at the beginning and it you have a totally different question with a totally different impact. “How can I do this?” or, “How can we do this?”

When you say these questions out loud, it gives you a very different feeling. A feeling of optimism and positivity. These new questions give you a sense of direction on the change you want to make. So, let’s get to making those positive changes.

If you want to make a huge difference then you need to take small steps, make smart decisions, be consistent and be patient.

I welcome hearing how this post has influenced the way you think, the way you lead, or the results you have achieved because of what you’ve learned in it. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me by commenting below.

Check out my other articles by Clicking HERE

All the best,

Tom (LeadGrowInfluence)

2 thoughts on “Move From Potential To Real

  1. Thank you for this insightful article on moving from potential to real achievement! As a mom who is balancing homeschooling, family life, and personal growth, I’m always striving to realize my potential in both my personal and professional life. Your emphasis on self-discipline and consistent action really struck a chord with me. Do you have any advice on how to stay motivated when juggling so many responsibilities? I’d love to hear more about how to apply these principles while also staying mindful of maintaining balance in everyday life.

    1. Hi Angela,

      Thank you for your comment and very kind words. It is my pleasure to share my articles every week.

      I appreciate you sharing your experiences as a mother and working on your homeschooling, I hope there are others reading this article who can resonate with your experience.

      When juggling so many responsibilities, what keeps me motivated is my “Why”, have you confirmed what your “why” is?

      I use my “why” as my baseline in everything I am doing, and as long as I am fulfilling it, that’s what keeps me motivated.

      I hope that helps. Keep working on yourself every day and inspiring your people to do the same.

      All the best,


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