To lead people effectively, it requires hard work, every single day. A lot of leaders do not realise just how much hard work it really is. If you don’t realise how much hard work leadership is, you will not be aware of the impact you have on your people, and […]

Having the ability to communicate, and most of all connect is first and foremost in becoming successful. If you can’t do that, then you need to learn how. Using your imagination, what would your team and your organisation look like with a lot more highly effective leaders? Imagine the low […]

Don’t waste time trying to change what you can’t control. You MUST change what you can control for the better. As a manager, when you want to know what’s happening, do you go straight to your team and ask questions? Or, do you speak to middle men? A highly effective […]

Highly effective leaders know how to develop their team to be the best people, and team they can be. Low performing leaders don’t know what the team is capable of, or what is required to make them the best they can be. Before you embrace your team’s potential, you must […]