When we talk about people skills, we usually mean leadership skills. What is the number one skill of any leader? Empathy. A lot of people throughout the world do not know what it actually means to understand a person. I was one of these people for a very long time […]
Do you have a win-win mindset with your team? If you ask them to do something, is it for the good of you, for the good of your team, or is it for the good of both you and the team? When you arrange meetings with people, either your team, […]
If you raise up another person, you are also raising yourself up. To leverage your team, you need to share your knowledge. In all industries throughout the world, you will always come across people who don’t like to share their knowledge. They are known as “knowledge hoarders” and they make […]
If you treat a person as if they were already what they strive to, or potentially they could be, then they will become that person. If you treat a person the same as everyone else, then they will not become that person. In most of the organisations I’ve worked with, […]