Implement The Change

Reward your leaders, pay your leaders, resource your leaders and incentivise your leaders in the right way. If you can do this for your highly effective leaders, whether they are in leadership positions or not then your highly effective leadership culture will continue to grow. 

What is your answer when you ask yourself, “Am I able to transform the culture of my team and my organisation into a highly effective leadership culture, that will have such a positive impact on the lives of my people both professionally and personally?”

Obviously, your answer is yes, so this is a silly question to ask yourself really.

However, what is your answer when you ask yourself, “Am I willing to transform the culture of my team and my organisation into a highly effective leadership culture, that will have such a positive impact on the lives of my people both professionally and personally?”

This is a much more difficult question to answer, that only you can answer. I have no clue if you are willing to take the action to transform the culture or not, only time will tell what your answer to this question will be.

It all comes down to your character and how strong it is. Do you develop your own character with the strength to the take the action required? The leaders who claim they don’t have the resources or enough time to transform culture are wrong.

They are using resources and time as an excuse because they know this is something they should do, but don’t have the character for it. Resources and time are not what determines a culture change.

When transforming culture into a highly effective leadership culture, it needs to be led by a highly effective leader who will make it happen. If you don’t make the highly effective leadership culture happen, then somebody else will and you won’t be a part of it.

Is that something you want? Only low performing leaders are the ones who make the excuses discussed above and won’t make things happen. Highly effective leaders do not make excuses, they learn from mistakes and use them as steppingstones towards the goal of a highly effective leadership culture.

Having the resources and the money to help you transform the culture into a highly effective leadership culture is great, but it’s not the be all and end all. Your vision and mission are what you need the buy-in from your people for.

The only way you can gain their buy-in is through your character. Highly effective leadership culture starts with you, but it is not about you.

Your character is what determines the decisions you make for your team and for yourself. Your character is why you listen to understand, rather than listen to reply. Your character is why you see your team as leaders and not just a normal average team.

Your character is why you have the utmost respect for your team. Your character is why you believe in your team and why they believe in themselves. Your character is why you show your team how much you care about them every day.

Your character is why you work on yourself every day to become the most valuable leader and person you can be, so you can add the most value to your people. Money has nothing to do with any of these decisions.

Culture transformation is something that comes from within you, it has nothing to do with money. It costs you nothing to work on yourself and become a better listener for your team and understand them before responding. It costs you nothing to ensure that your team feel the value you add to them.

It costs you nothing to show your team the respect they deserve, which will in turn be reciprocated. It costs you nothing to show your team how much you believe in them, so they can believe in themselves.

It costs you nothing to show your team how much you care for them. It costs you nothing to develop yourself into the most valuable person and leader you can be for the good of your team.

Becoming a highly effective leader and transforming the culture into a highly effective leadership culture is a decision we make; it is not part of a leadership position job description or a job requirement.

So, you must ensure to make the right leadership decision because if you don’t, then you and your organisation will pay the price. The anxiety levels and stress levels of your team will be increasing. It will have a negative impact on other teams and other leaders within the organisation.

The finances of the organisation will be reducing. The morale of the teams will be dropping, the teams will disengage, and productivity will drop.

So, to prevent these negative things from happening and the price you will have to pay, take the following highly effective leadership culture transformational plan very seriously. This plan will help you and your team climb to the top of the highly effective leadership ladder:


One of the most difficult to achieve parts of this plan is gaining your team’s buy-in. So, you must start the plan with leadership development to ensure that you and the other leaders are your best selves and the best leaders you can be.

You can also continue to strengthen the relationships you have with the team and prevent a drop in team morale or any other frustrations.


Now that you are the best version of yourself and the most valuable leader you can be (a highly effective leader), it is now time to gain the buy-in from your team. But what is it they are buying into? They are buying into you and eventually your highly effective leadership purpose.

But first they are buying into you, and when the team have bought into you, that is when you can share your highly effective leadership purpose.


The highly effective leadership purpose “why” is: “To develop current leaders and future leaders into highly effective leaders so that, they can develop current leaders and future leaders into highly effective leaders.”

When you share this with your team, they will be able to understand what a highly effective leadership culture will look like. They will also be clear on your vision and mission and take them on as their own.


You are developing your own character and as the leader, it is your responsibility to help your team develop their character too. The stronger the character of your team becomes, the clearer they will see your vision and mission, and understand the highly effective leadership purpose “why”.


The more they develop their character, the stress levels of this culture transformation will continue to drop.


Transforming the culture into a highly effective leadership culture is not about putting a plan together for it, it is about implementing that plan and taking the right action at the right time.

With implementing this plan and taking that action, this is when momentum builds on the highly effective leadership culture. Momentum is a highly effective leader’s best friend.

Every single person throughout the world has the ability to influence another person, therefore every single person throughout the world has the ability to lead. Whether that is at a low performing level, or a highly effective leadership level is up to the person.

Implement a change that incentivises your people to develop themselves into leaders. Then keep building the momentum until they become highly effective leaders.

I welcome hearing how this post has influenced the way you think, the way you lead, or the results you have achieved because of what you’ve learned in it. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me by commenting below.

Check out my other articles by Clicking HERE

All the best,

Tom (LeadGrowInfluence)

4 thoughts on “Implement The Change

  1. Hello Tom,
    your article on implementing change offers profound insights into the pivotal role of character in leadership and cultural transformation.

    Your emphasis on personal development and the intrinsic qualities of a leader resonates deeply.

    Thank you for sharing such valuable perspectives on fostering a highly effective leadership culture.

    Stay blessed.

    1. Hi Esquiwal,

      Thank you for sharing your insights on my article, means the world to me.

      Keep focussing on your own personal growth and helping your people to focus on the same things and improve themselves.

      All the best,


  2. Developing leadership is so important in any business or organization. We must develop ourselves first so that as we grow in character our very presence will induce our team to desire to follow us instead of feeling compelled to do so. They will want to develop themselves so they can increase their contribution to the team and organization.

    1. Hi Joseph,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my latest article, means the world to me.

      Keep developing yourself every day and showing your people through your example to follow in your footsteps.

      All the best,


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