Being logical stimulates a person’s mind. Being motivational stimulates a person’s heart. Have you ever been manipulated within your team? Have you ever seen any of your teammates or colleagues be manipulated? I have been manipulated, and the thing is, I knew I was being manipulated. I just didn’t have […]
Tag: Motivated
Leadership requires action, and a leader must be the first to act. If they are not the first to act then they are a follower. When you are THE FIRST TO HELP other people, without knowing it, we are actually helping ourselves at the same time. Have you ever heard […]
To connect with your team, you must listen 80% of the time. Early in my leadership career, I thought that it was the leader’s role to do most of the talking when in conversation with my team, or as individuals. I thought it was the leader’s role to stamp their […]
When we feel that we are taking control, we are on the path to great leadership How much do you believe in your team right now? Do you believe in them as people or just in their abilities? The difference is, believing in them as people is an unconditional belief, […]