To climb the ladder, you can’t be the one with your foot on the bottom step To be an engineer for example, you need to have certain qualifications, and regularly be assessed against engineering competencies so that you are still deemed safe and competent to work. 1. Character However, what […]

Leaders with a limitless mindset use their organisation to help them, their own team and other teams to grow. They believe in their own and other people’s potential and want to do something about it. Leaders with a limitless mindset do not coast in their role day after day and […]

Tolerating an ignorant, arrogant genius in your team is very costly to teamwork. Don’t do it. All the teams I have led throughout my career, I have always inherited them. They were not my own selection of team members from the beginning. I have replaced team members when people had […]

Who you “claim” to be is not who you really are. If you don’t know who you are, then others will know before you. Find out who you really are. Leadership is influence and to be a highly effective leader, we need to have influence. So, how do we have […]