Reward your leaders, pay your leaders, resource your leaders and incentivise your leaders in the right way. If you can do this for your highly effective leaders, whether they are in leadership positions or not then your highly effective leadership culture will continue to grow. What is your answer when […]
Tag: Change
The new vision and new life you want to create for yourself will only happen when you let go of your last life. If you are hanging out with people who hold you back, then you need to let them go. I understand that they might be people you love, […]
Taking a team or an organisation through change is an experience. However, not many see it like that. Especially low performing leaders who use traditional “management” styles of micromanagement to push their people through change. When you push people through change, it is a poor experience. Highly effective leaders treat […]
So far when you have been a part of a new change, do you hide away and move back into your comfort zone or do embrace change, move outside of your comfort zone and grow? The potential that you have today can become your reality tomorrow. You know this because […]