You are empowered because I believe in you. For years the term empowerment was not used correctly. A lot of people used the term empowerment as a way of disguising delegation, which is very selfish. I have the confidence that you can go through this article and take action on […]

You cannot motivate frustrated teams if you don’t listen to them. Listening to our people’s frustrations, and helping them overcome their obstacles is how we motivate our people. To help our people become the best people they can be, we must help them to remove the obstacles in their way. […]

How you behave is the barrier between you and your dream I’m really pleased that you are continuing to read through my articles. What this is telling me is that you want to become a highly effective leader. You want to serve your team better, and together accomplish amazing things. […]

Being logical stimulates a person’s mind. Being motivational stimulates a person’s heart. Have you ever been manipulated within your team? Have you ever seen any of your teammates or colleagues be manipulated? I have been manipulated, and the thing is, I knew I was being manipulated. I just didn’t have […]
