Applying uncommon sense to the things that are most common in the world, everybody will take notice of you. You will become noticed and a lot more attention will be paid to you if you go further than is expected of you, and you pay attention to detail. I like […]
Tag: Personal Growth
If we thought differently, we would act differently. If we acted differently, we would be living in a very different world. If you keep thinking the same way, you will always be where you are, you will always have what you already have, and you will always do what you […]
Being logical stimulates a person’s mind. Being motivational stimulates a person’s heart. Have you ever been manipulated within your team? Have you ever seen any of your teammates or colleagues be manipulated? I have been manipulated, and the thing is, I knew I was being manipulated. I just didn’t have […]
Leadership starts by following others, learn to follow, master followership, learn to lead, master leadership In previous articles, I have stated that LEADERSHIP IS INFLUENCE. I learned this from reading John Maxwell books, and watching his talks. If there is one leadership expert that I would recommend, then John Maxwell […]