So far when you have been a part of a new change, do you hide away and move back into your comfort zone or do embrace change, move outside of your comfort zone and grow? The potential that you have today can become your reality tomorrow. You know this because […]

Your job is what you do, not who you are In July 1999 when I was 16 years old and I left school, I started my career as an apprentice mechanical engineer. What is an engineer? In most people’s minds it is a person who works with their hands, fixes […]

Highly effective leaders know how to develop their team to be the best people, and team they can be. Low performing leaders don’t know what the team is capable of, or what is required to make them the best they can be. Before you embrace your team’s potential, you must […]

If you treat a person as if they were already what they strive to, or potentially they could be, then they will become that person. If you treat a person the same as everyone else, then they will not become that person. In most of the organisations I’ve worked with, […]