When you know where you want to get to, you can work out how you are going to get there. Ever since I was a young boy, I have always wanted to do something that helped others. My Dad used to ask me, “what do you want to be when […]

If you have a long-term vision then your short-term failures will feel like learning opportunities and stepping stones towards that vision, instead of feelings of regret and frustration. You wouldn’t believe how much can change within your life in just a few months’ time when we become deliberate about living […]

A leader must have clarity of purpose for themselves first. Then it is essential that they give their people clarity of purpose too. One thing I hated being part of any team was feeling confused about what it was we were trying to achieve. Being confused about our team’s purpose […]

You cannot grow by accident. You can only grow on purpose. You will have heard the term “develop yourself” before. People you know or who you work with have probably said that you need to develop yourself in some area. But, what does “develop yourself” actually mean? It means, WORK […]