What Have You Decided For Yourself?

Your future cannot be waited for on fate or chance. Your future is a decision that you make and is to be created by you. You achieve your future deliberately not by accident.

When you think about your future, and where you want to go and how you are going to get there, that is a decision you are making. How often do you think about where you want to go and how you’re going to get there?

1. Decision Making

You cannot make the right decision for yourself and for your future if you don’t think in the right way and have the right mindset. It is up to you to transform your potential into your reality through how you think, and then the action you take. You cannot take the right actions without thinking in the right way.

To many people throughout the world are hoping for a better future. They are praying to God that things turn around for them. They are wishing that they had a different life with different results and surrounded by different people.

This is not living; it is existing, and it doesn’t make any sense because without the right thinking nothing will change. Without the right action developed from the right thinking, nothing will change.


Most people have never thought about where they want to go and how they’re going to get there, which is ludicrous.

You must make the decision to take responsibility in how you progress in your life. If you don’t take responsibility for your life, then you will be on the same merry go round as everyone else in the world who are praying and hoping for things to change.

2. Taking Responsibility

When you make the decision to take responsibility in how you take your life forward, that is when things will start to change, and that is when you will start to see amazing things happening.

Making the decision to respond to everything that happens in your life based on your own values but have proven to work for many years through many people all over the world, you can grow into the person and leader you want to see.

Making the right decisions for your life now will give you a much better chance of making your life a success in the future. By making these wise decisions you are creating the life you want for yourself but will also benefit others.

What is your passion and your purpose? The reason I ask this is because when you create the life you want for yourself, you need to start with a compelling vision. To develop a compelling vision, you need to deliberately bring in your passion and your purpose so you can start to see that vision.

A lot of people think of material things or money as the things that will make them happy, and when they do, they don’t get either. When you do something that you are passionate about, it is likely that you will earn good money doing that something.

As money is a by-product of you doing something that you love, not the other way around. You may not earn great money doing what you love, but so what, you will be doing that thing you love, and it will be benefiting others.

3. Your Vision

Most people throughout the world don’t know what their purpose is because they have never thought about it. I know lots of people who don’t know what their purpose is because they’ve never thought about what it could be.

When developing your vision, you are making a decision. But you can’t make that decision without deliberately thinking about and clarifying what your purpose is. How often do you think about your purpose?

Transforming yourself is a decision that you must take responsibility for, as only responsible people can make that decision for themselves. But before you make that transformation decision, you need to think about who you are and know who you want to become.

You need to know where you are in your life and where you want to go. To create the life, you want for yourself instead of existing in the life you have accepted, you must know your purpose. When you know these things, you can begin your transformation.

What do you want to do in your life? Where do you want to go? When do you want to go? Who do you want to become? When you transform yourself through answering these questions, you are turning your vision into a reality.

4. Your Dream

You must deliberately decide to have a dream and think about your dream every day. You must deliberately decide to allow your mind to think about what is possible for you now and in the future.

When you do this, keep asking yourself these questions:

  • What is stopping me from making my dream happen?
  • How can I make my dream happen?
  • When can I make my dream happen?

In your life you made thousands of decisions and because of that you are in exactly the right place in your life right now. You are where you are because of YOU, and what you have decided. So, when answering the questions above, there is only you who can answer them.

Don’t make any excuses for not answering them or looking for someone else to blame. You need to look within yourself and if there are any obstacles in your way, then it is your responsibility to move them.

A solid and highly effective vision is based on your strengths not your weaknesses. You need to find the way to make your vision a reality.

There are always going to be things that happen to you in your life that you have no control over, they are external to you. This is always going to happen and will have an influence on you, and the journey you decide to take through making your vision a reality.

What is more important than what happens to you outside of your control is how you respond to them. The way you respond to what happens to you in your life will determine most of what happens to you in your future.

It won’t affect everything, but it will affect most things in your future. How you respond is a decision you must take responsibility for and make.


By deliberately deciding to create the future you want for yourself, and the vision you want, you are taking responsibility to make the decisions for that future.

When things happen to you that are outside of your control, you cannot let them stop you from moving forward, or worse give up on your future and vision. When these things happen, you need to make the necessary changes, re-evaluate where you are, and regroup.

This isn’t easy but it is a requirement if you want to continue creating and building the future you want for yourself, especially when you want to help others along the way.

So, no matter what has happened to you throughout your life already, you need to make the right decisions every day that will create and shape the future you want.

To improve your environment, you must first improve yourself.

I welcome hearing how this post has influenced the way you think, the way you lead, or the results you have achieved because of what you’ve learned in it. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me by commenting below.

Check out my other articles by Clicking HERE

All the best,

Tom (LeadGrowInfluence)

2 thoughts on “What Have You Decided For Yourself?

  1. Thank you for this insightful post. It really resonated with me, especially the emphasis on taking responsibility for our decisions and future. It’s easy to fall into the trap of hoping for change without actively pursuing it, but your words are a powerful reminder that we need to be deliberate in our actions and mindset. I’m now more motivated to refine my vision and take consistent steps toward my goals. Your perspective on aligning passion with purpose has also sparked some deep reflection. Looking forward to implementing these ideas in my life and seeing where they take me. Thank you for the inspiration!”

    1. Hi Laurie,

      I appreciate your comment and sharing how much my article resonated with you.

      I am so pleased that you are motivated to take action on refining your vision and working towards achieving it.

      Keep going and if you need any help in refining it further then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

      All the best,


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