What Path Are You Going Down?

If you complain about your team and their performance, you have nobody to blame but yourself. They are your responsibility, and they are in exactly where you have led them to.

What path have you led your team down so far? How happy are you with your performance as a leader? How happy are your team? How are they doing?

1. How Are Your Team Following You?

The ability you have to lead your team is a direct reflection of your team, and their desire to achieve results. It is also a direct reflection of how willing they are to follow you, because they want to.

How your team are performing is a direct reflection of your ability to inspire, and motivate them to perform at their best. When you look at your team, what do you see? Do you see yourself in every team member?

When you look at your team, it is like you are looking in the mirror back at yourself. What you are looking at is a direct reflection of your performance as their leader.


How often do your team support you? If they don’t support you, what are you doing wrong? How much are your team growing? If they’re not growing, what are you doing wrong? How excited are your team about their own, and the organisation’s future?

If they are not excited, what are you doing wrong? How do they solve their own problems? If they don’t solve their own problems, what are you doing wrong? How motivated are they to do the right thing, and make things happen? If they are not motivated, what are you doing wrong?

How well do the team work together as a unit? If they don’t work well together, what are you doing wrong? How much do your team respect you? If they don’t respect you, what are you doing wrong? How much do your team trust you? If they don’t trust you, what are you doing wrong?

2. Growing Into A Highly Effective Leader

If you want to be a highly effective leader, then you MUST grow and develop your team. The place to start with this is, start wherever they are NOW.

If you inherited the team you are leading, or you have picked the team yourself, this should not matter. The team are your responsibility. It is your responsibility to lead, and develop them to be their best.

I have worked and spoken to lots of managers who are always upset with at least one or two members of their team. They think it is not their responsibility to take care of them, and develop them. I like to ask them “What leadership books are you reading, or videos are you watching?”

The answer I usually get from that question is “I don’t need to read leadership books or watch videos.” They are too proud, and don’t think they need any leadership training. When actually, from my experience with them, they need the training more than anyone else.

The real issue is not that they have or have not had the training, or need the training. The issue is that they are not inspired to lead or develop themselves. If a person is not inspired to lead or develop themselves, then how can they be inspired to lead and develop their team?

This is a sign of a weak leader. It is a sign that their superiors are weak leaders too. In fact it is a sign that there is weak leadership all the way to top of the organisation.

If the leader of the organisation was a highly effective leader, then their influence would filter through to the leadership team. The influence of the leadership team would then filter through to the rest of the organisation.

3. Your Influence

In most organisations, if there is a leadership issue with a front line team and their manager, it is usually fueled from a leadership issue that came from the top.

A highly effective leader is so secure that they can inspire themselves from within to lead, and develop themselves. They take full responsibility for doing so. They do not use the excuse of blaming their leader, or their team.

No matter how their own leaders behave, a highly effective leader has the full responsibility to inspire their team to get things done, and achieve great results. If you cannot do that, and you start to blame others, then you are not performing as a highly effective leader.

If you want your results to change and improve, then you need to TAKE ACTION. For you to take action, then you need to be motivated. Hopefully, from reading this article I am motivating you to want to take action, and you are excited for what your future results will be.

However, motivation is external and comes from somewhere else. If you are willing to take the right amount of action, and go the extra mile, then you need something more than motivation.


What you need is INSPIRATION. As I have said earlier, inspiration comes from within, it is about you and nobody else. By reading this article, hopefully I will motivate you to want to be inspired. If it does, then the article is doing its job.

But once I have done that, it is up to you to get inspired. I cannot do that for you. The process of motivation, and inspiration started with me by writing this article to motivate you. But, it ends with you to be inspired.

My intention for this article and my other articles was to motivate you to become a better leader. I also want you to become inspired to want to do the same with the teams that you serve. If you can do that, then you will get all the credit, not me. This is all about you.

You will deserve the credit if you can inspire others to become leaders. But, it is your decision to want to be inspired to do that. I cannot make that decision for you.

I want to help you to become a star in your organisation, and feel good about yourself. I also want you to feel good about your team, and your leadership. The more you stand out among the crowd, the more you will feel inspired to grow and develop as a leader.

4. Developing More Leaders

If you make the decision to help others become leaders, then make a start by helping them to feel good. Help them stand out among the crowd. The more you do this, the higher you will climb up the leadership ladder, and the better you will feel for it.

If you cannot inspire yourself to take action, then you will not be able to inspire your team, or anyone else to take action. Inspiration starts with you, and how you are feeling. So, it is very important that you are feeling good, and positive to be inspired.

If you cannot do this, then you will never be able to motivate your team. A leader who cannot motivate their team to take action, has nobody else to blame but themselves. It has nothing to do with the team.

Throughout my career, I have worked with a lot of supervisors and managers, and most of the time when they are unmotivated it’s because things aren’t going well. So, how do you change that? You make the decision to take responsibility for why things aren’t going well.

You then start to work on yourself, to lead yourself, and to develop yourself. Believe me, when you start to do that, you will feel inspired to motivate, and inspire your team to do the same.


Then the natural progression from that is, things start to go well. But, it all starts with you, and your decision to work on yourself.

The decision to work on yourself, and develop yourself must not be a onetime thing. You must be motivated to inspire yourself, to work on yourself EVERY DAY. No matter how big or small, you must continue to work, and develop yourself every single day.

When you have finished reading this article, don’t stop there. Read more of my articles, watch my videos videos, listen to audios, watch webinars, attend seminars, attend lunch n learns, start a mastermind group.

Basically, do anything and everything you possibly can to work on yourself every day, and you will be inspired to inspire others to do the same.

Make your responsibility to help someone learn. If they are learning through you, then you are also learning.

I welcome hearing how this post has influenced the way you think, the way you lead, or the results you have achieved because of what you’ve learned in it. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me by commenting below.

Check out my other articles by Clicking HERE

All the best,

Tom (LeadGrowInfluence)

4 thoughts on “What Path Are You Going Down?

  1. Great information on taking responsibility for the performance of our team as well as providing the type of leadership that people willingly follow because they are inspired. When we lead by example people respond positively and want to do well. For the few that do not, they have merely identified themselves as not wanting to be part of the team. Thanks for this vital information. All the best. Joseph

    1. Hi Joseph,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

      I’m very pleased that you found this article helpful, and I couldn’t agree more on your insights on leading by example.

      Keep being the example for your people and taking responsibility for them at the right times.

      All the best,


  2. Excellent Article.

    “How your team are performing is a direct reflection of your ability to inspire”, my takeaway is Lead by example. There are countless times I have seen people in management positions ask their team to perform outrageous feats to meet a deadline while walking out the door. Thus, not giving a team effort just merely delegating.

    Throughout this article you have made several other points anyone can employ to make themselves a better leader. One being influence, A leader must be respected, and in order to accomplish this, the team must see them doing the same work he’d ask of them. Perhaps not all of the time, but they need to see a leader actually “Lead By Example”

    Keep up the good work here.

    1. Hi Michael,

      Thank you for your kind words on my article, means the world to me.

      I’m glad thar your take away is leading by example as this is one of the most important leadership principles we must practice. Showing our people how much we care as well as telling them is so powerful.

      Keep leading by example and keep being the role model for your people that you always wish you had.

      All the best,


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