When you try to give good advice, what type of example do you give? A good example will give congruity, a bad example will give confusion When people talk of role models, they are more than likely talking about someone famous (E.g. a sports star, actor or musician). My role […]
Category: Leadership
It doesn’t matter how good you think you are, if you are insecure as a leader then your skills will account to nothing As you start growing and striving towards becoming a highly effective leader, you will start to feel less stressed about work, and other areas of your life. […]
Being logical stimulates a person’s mind. Being motivational stimulates a person’s heart. Have you ever been manipulated within your team? Have you ever seen any of your teammates or colleagues be manipulated? I have been manipulated, and the thing is, I knew I was being manipulated. I just didn’t have […]
Listening to understand people is not easy because we all have the urge to respond and give advice or feedback. Believe me, listening to understand a person goes a really long way, especially if emotions and concerns are involved. How do we understand what true connection with another person really […]