The new vision and new life you want to create for yourself will only happen when you let go of your last life. If you are hanging out with people who hold you back, then you need to let them go. I understand that they might be people you love, […]

If we thought differently, we would act differently. If we acted differently, we would be living in a very different world. If you keep thinking the same way, you will always be where you are, you will always have what you already have, and you will always do what you […]

What happened to me throughout my life is not who I am. What I decide for my life is who I am. Are you a decision maker? Now that we’ve discussed working on ourselves over my previous posts, what have you decided to work on and apply first? It is […]

Thinking for ourselves is how we really know what our next step to success is. Asking others questions is how we help others to think for themselves so that they can do the same. When I begin to lead a new team, it fills me with so much joy. It […]