When a leader shares their vision to the team, it becomes the team’s vision. The reason the team follow the leader is because they have that vision that leads to a team goal or purpose. The leader must inspire their team to take on the vision and purpose as their […]
Tag: Personal Growth
Who do you think about the most, yourself or others? Throughout my career I have worked with lots of people in the UK from the rail industry and the automotive industry. In my experience a lot of those people I have worked with are very hard working, will go the […]
Love yourself but have humility. Without humility you will be seen as arrogant not confident. Making the decision to become a highly effective leader is not about you, but it does start with you. When you grow into a highly effective leader, your influence will multiply through others and will […]
Reward your leaders, pay your leaders, resource your leaders and incentivise your leaders in the right way. If you can do this for your highly effective leaders, whether they are in leadership positions or not then your highly effective leadership culture will continue to grow. What is your answer when […]