Solving your team’s problems for them automatically makes you responsible for the problem. Asking them questions about the problem that will help them to solve it, automatically makes them responsible. I like to talk quite a bit about asking questions of your team, rather than giving them the answers, and […]

If you don’t have awareness, then you don’t know that you don’t have awareness. If you can’t see what you need to have awareness of, then you don’t know that you can’t see what you need to have awareness of. To grow to your full potential, you must have awareness. […]

What happened to me throughout my life is not who I am. What I decide for my life is who I am. Now that we’ve discussed working on ourselves over my previous posts, what have you decided to work on and apply first? It is my hope that you will […]

A highly effective leader knows and understands that to build a high performing team, you can’t focus on the product, you can’t focus on the competition, and you can’t focus on results. You MUST focus on the people. How would you describe the atmosphere in your team right now? Is […]
