Staying An Attractive Team

With a highly effective leadership culture, the people live by their own and the company values every day. The people strengthen and build new relationships every day. The people go the extra mile every day. The people help others to develop themselves into leaders. The people are optimistic and work towards a bright future for themselves, their team, their leader and their organisation. A highly effective leadership culture is all about serving.

If the team you led at this present moment was already a highly effective team, and the organisation you are part of was already an attractive organisation, then the following will already have happened:

  • The people already feel great about their leaders and mainly about themselves.
  • The people feel great when they are at work and in the mix every day with their teams.
  • The people have strong and meaningful relationships with their colleagues and teammates.
  • The people feel like their leader values them and the team as a whole.
  • The people are challenged every day by their leaders to improve positively.
  • The organisation provides personal & team growth opportunities to everyone.
  • The people already working in your organisation do not want to leave because they can see a bright future for themselves, their teammates, their colleagues and their leaders.

1. Culture

If all of the above had already happened, then the highly effective leadership culture would be flowing through everyone, every day, as would the team and organisational vision.

After reading the points above, do you feel challenged? If you don’t then it’s probably because your team is already a highly effective team, and your organisation is already an attractive organisation. Or, you don’t have any desire to strive towards becoming a highly effective team and an attractive organisation.


However, if you do feel challenged then as I have stated earlier, the leadership ladder is high and can be very challenging at times.

Even though the leadership ladder is very high, don’t worry because I am here to help you and others. My life vision & just cause is, “I can see a world in which our leaders create environments that focusses on people and helps them to learn to lead, grow and increase their influence for the good of others.”

So, don’t be overwhelmed by the challenge and the height of leadership ladder you must climb. I know you want to climb this ladder and help your people climb it too, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article.

I want to provide you with the right help and resources that will aid you and your team climb the leadership ladder. I will also provide you with examples of how to climb the leadership ladder.

This website will also help you to understand why you should climb the leadership ladder, and why your team should climb also.

2. Leadership Ladder

Along with providing you the resources to help you and your team, I will also help you understand what exactly you need to do to climb the leadership ladder and what obstacles might come in your way.

Think of this website as a map on your phone that you look at every day.

As we go through the journey of understanding what and why you and your team need to do to climb the leadership ladder, make notes, highlight certain areas, write notes down in a notebook, think about it every day, read every day and reflect on what you have read.

When a leader invests in their people to help them grow into highly effective leaders, then that is more important to them than anything else you could offer. That includes a substantial pay rise or a job promotion.

My articles and books were written to help you become a highly effective leader, to help you build a highly effective team and help you grow your organisation into an attractive organisation with a highly effective leadership culture.

So many organisations throughout the world are frustrated because they are losing their great people to their competition. They are also losing great people outside their organisation to their competition.

To prevent that then your organisation must become the most attractive organisation in your industry. You must attract great people to be part of your highly effective teams.

In my experience, word of mouth and people referring has been the most powerful way of advertising great people. Word of mouth is how organisations become the most attractive organisation in their industry.

3. Attracting Great People

It’s not through social media ads, newspaper ads, magazine articles etc. If you look at the points above in the first paragraph again. If the people in your organisation felt those things already, what type of word of mouth advertising do you think they would give for your organisation? It would be spectacular.

Word of mouth is not something that you can pay for, like when you pay for social media ads or newspaper ads. Word of mouth needs to be earned by a team and an organisation. Let me give you an example:

I read a book called, Everybody Matters – The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your PEOPLE Like FAMILY.” It was written by Bob Chapman who is the CEO of a company called Barry – Wehmiller.

It resonated with me at first because Barry – Wehmiller are a manufacturing and engineering company, and I am a chartered engineer. But I also loved the idea of taking care of your people (employees) like family.

Barry – Wehmiller is a great example of being an attractive organisation because they have been building a highly effective leadership culture for a long time. They are continuously improving in ALL areas every single day.

Since reading that book, I have been following Bob Chapman and Barry – Wehmiller through their website and social media channels. I was even looking for a job myself as they have plants all over the world.

Since they transformed the culture into a highly effective leadership culture, the company has just grown and grown. I can see on their social media pages also that the jobs they advertise are applied for by hundreds of people every day. When I talk about being an attractive organisation, that is what I mean.

4. People Development

The growth and development of the people within your team, and the growth and development of the people within your organisation is how it starts.

That is how you are going to grow a highly effective leadership culture throughout the organisation and become an attractive organisation to great people outside. Culture is not about the products your organisation sells or the services you offer.

You need to have innovation when it comes to the right growth and development of your people throughout the organisation. Not just the select few.


I have worked as an engineer inside depots and also inside offices, and the reason I say the growth and development of people needs to be innovative is because it needs to be the right kind. A lot of organisations put their people through courses or development opportunities, but it isn’t right for them.

Especially when it comes to leadership and helping them to climb the leadership ladder. So, organisations need to focus more on being innovative when it comes to their people development, not just their products and services

You can get a good idea of the type of people development I am talking about on my YouTube Channel, “Leadership & Growth”.

Each video I produce is intended to help aspiring and current leaders develop themselves into a highly effective leader. As are my other resources on my website at

The “normal” culture of an organisation is to focus on things that may not go right or haven’t gone right. When things go right and they have produced a successful outcome, it is a shock to most organisations. Successful outcomes can be more difficult to get over than unsuccessful ones because that is the norm. With a highly effective leadership culture, the “norm” is so different, and the people are not shocked with successful outcomes.

I welcome hearing how this post has influenced the way you think, the way you lead, or the results you have achieved because of what you’ve learned in it. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me by commenting below.

Check out my other articles by Clicking HERE

All the best,

Tom (LeadGrowInfluence)

10 thoughts on “Staying An Attractive Team

  1. There will always be ways to overcome the barriers in place to prevent you from climbing the leadership ladder. It had been said that you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. If you want to become a highly effective leader, you must learn from people who are already successful at it, take notes, and put in some sleepless nights. The initiative is the hardest part and I believe that the hard work is what truly sets you apart from your coworkers and makes you a leader instead of a worker. The get-it-done attitude is what is needed every day if you ever want to drive your life forward to retire early! Great post Tom. Love it!

    1. Hi David,

      Thank you for your very kind words, I am so pleaed that this article resonated with you.

      I appreciate you sharing your great insights also that I hope people can learn form you just as much as they learn from me.

      Keep sharing your inspirational message with the world and inspiring your own people every day.

      All the best,


  2. Very good information on leadership and creating an inspiring culture that not only attracts the right people but keeps them positively engaged and wanting to stay. Having spent a few years in the executive search business I encountered many folks that had lack of a good culture as the reason for wanting to leave their current company. Appreciate this informative article.

    1. Hi Joseph,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, they mean the world.

      I appreciate you sharing your experiences too that I know other people will be able to relate to and learn from.

      Keep inspiring your people every day and sharing your message with the world.

      All the best,


  3. Hi Tom

    This is a great article.

    I have been fortunate enough to work in an incredible team that sadly, was affected by a toxic executive management team – our GM eventually couldn’t take the toxicity metered out by the executive team and the very effective buffer she had created between our team and the executive team wore thin. Ultimately our GM – who was an incredible asset to the organization – moved to another company where she was appreciated in the manner she deserved. It was a sad day for us all and one by one, the team members moved to greener pastures too.

    They say that people leave people not companies, and this proved itself true in that particular company.

    If only I had known about this site whilst employed there.

    Do you have any suggestions of how that situation could have been better managed?

    Many thanks

    1. Hi Louise,

      Thank you for sharing such a personal experience for you.

      To be honest if the toxicity of the organisation and the team was coming from the top, then I don’t know how it could have been better managed by your leader. However, if I was the person at the top then I would have paid a lot more attention to my people, not my business growth, numbers or anything else.

      The reason it is toxic in these organisations is because they are not putting their people first. When we take care of our people, everything else will take care of itself.

      Thanks again and keep inspiring your people every day.

      All the best,


  4. Oh yes, that was one of the biggest challenges – the attention paid to numbers rather than people!

    I was a sales and sponsorship exec in our team and, having been in the role for a number of years, I was able to read the sales trends with 99.99999% accuracy. Our sales trends typically tapered off shortly after the exhibition and didn’t show a marked upward trend until at least 6 months before the next exhibition date. Every year, I was “whipped” in the hope that I could perform some miracle and change the trend. It was ridiculous actually, the targets were met and often exceeded, just not in the time frame the top brass wanted. There were occasions when I brought on a brand new sponsor for a show, often by creating a brand new attraction within the show – this helped break the trend but wasn’t always achievable.

    So unnecessarily demoralizing for many of the team members. Sadly, I jumped ship to another “opportunity” which was in fact a move from the frying pan to the fire.

    Anyways, that wasn’t altogether bad, I’ve landed in a much better place for me at this age and stage of my life. Happy to be out of the corporate world, also looking to create a virtual team though so your site will be a good one for me to revisit.

    1. Hi Louise,

      I am so appreciative of you sharing even more of your experiences and the role you had with this organisation.

      There will be a lot of sales people who will read your comment and will be able to relate even more to you, and hopefully keep learning from you.

      Keep growing in your current position in your life as it sounds great, I am very happy for you.

      All the best,


  5. Hey Tom,

    Thanks for putting together these tips for good leadership. I like your emphasis on the way leadership affects the team’s performance.

    It is important to train and develop the people who are already on the team. This allows everyone to get to know each other better and grow together.

    I hope this article continues to help leaders be better leaders,

    1. Hi Marlinda,

      I appreciate you sharing this comment.

      Keep developing yourself and helping to develop your people and improving their personal growth.

      All the best,


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