Your Dream Strategy

Your vision must be so clear that you can already see it, that is why it is called a vision. You must know where you want to end up at the end of your journey. How you are going to get there is not as important. Your plan or strategy is of no use if you don’t know where your destination is. So, make your vision as clear and transparent as water.

Without hope then your vision will be no more than a dream you have in your mind. When you have created your vision and you can see it so clearly, hope is not how you are going to turn your vision into a reality.

1. Your Hopeful Strategy

Hope is not a strategy, but you need hope to develop your strategy. Hope is what inspires you to develop your strategy and move forward with it.

Hope is so important in the beginning, but the vision you create needs many surface levels for it to be a complete transformation. Hope is one surface level and is the foundation for which you will build many other surface levels on.

Hope is not enough for you to turn your vision into reality and fulfil your complete transformation to your best you.


Hope is the foundational surface level for your transformation, and there are more surface levels that build on top of hope. The more surface levels you build on top of hope, the more you are going to see your vision a lot clearer, and your confidence will grow in turning your vision into a reality.

When you put each surface level in place, it must remain there otherwise you will start to take steps backwards instead of forwards.

When you know and understand how each surface level can be worked to benefit you, you can deliberately start putting them in place to give you that support. The more you do this, the more efficient and effective you will become at identifying the right surface levels at the right time in your life.

You want to become your best you, so you are making the transformation to become your best you, and to do that you need the necessary surface levels in place first as the foundation to making the right change at the right time that will lead to your transformation.

When you put these surface levels in place it is very important that you keep them in place to be a constant support to you. Hope is one surface level, but as we have discussed, there are many more that build on top of that.

2. Your Roadmap

The reason for writing my articles is to help you develop your transformational roadmap that will allow you to take your transformational journey to your best you.

The roadmap will help you to see what is in front of you, and the potential obstacles that could get in your way. my articles will help you to remove those potential obstacles and reveal the most efficient route to completing the transformation to your best you.

The principles I describe and discuss in my articles have been practiced by me, and I have proven them to work. I have put in place the right surface levels at the right time for my own transformation to becoming the best version of myself.

If you take action on what you learn from my articles, then you will also complete the transformation to your best you. Once you cave completed the transformation, you can start to help others to complete the transformation to their best selves also.

Your decision making is so important if you want your transformational journey to run as smoothly as possible. When you make the right decisions, you will take that next step towards the future and vision you have created.

When you make the wrong decisions, you will take that next backwards away from the future and vision you have created. There is only you who can make those decisions because the most important person you will ever lead in your life is you.

You must accept the responsibility for making the right and wrong decisions. So, from this moment on you must make the decision to start leading yourself at a higher level than you currently are, otherwise you will not make the transformation you want.

3. Starting With The End In Mind

Are you starting with the end in mind? When I first heard this question, it hit me like a freight train full in the face. It was one of the most powerful questions I ever heard.

So, whenever I started something new for myself, I always asked myself this question, I still do now, and I will keep asking it for the rest of my life. The question means taking the right action, for the right reason at the right time.

When you ask yourself this question, it helps you to start taking action on doing what you need to and become the person you want to become.

The more you ask yourself this question, the more you stop wondering what is going to happen, and wishing for something and instead it helps you to make things happen and planning for something. I ask myself this question almost every day, and especially when I am working on new things.

To make my own transformation it was so important that I constantly asked myself “Are you starting with the end in mind?”. As I have grown, I have started sharing this question with more people to help them on their transformational journey.

How do you know where you are going? You are in a certain place in your life right now, so am I, so is everybody within the whole world. Most people (including you) want to be somewhere else, but don’t yet know what they need to do to get to where they want to be in their lives.

The question of “How do you know where you are going?” can only be answered when you have answered other questions first. The other questions will establish where you are right now and where you want to get to.

4. Knowing Where You’re Going

So, if you don’t know where you want to get to in your life, then that is the first thing you need to determine.

So, to determine where you want to get to, you need to start by asking yourself:

“Who am I?”

“Where am I?”

“Who do I want to become?

“Where do I want to get to?”

When you know the answers to these questions, you can answer “How do I know where I am going?”

When you can answer all of these questions, you will reveal to yourself what you need to do to get from where you are right now, to where you want to be in your life.


However, the most important question you need to ask yourself before you start doing the things you think you need to do is this:

“Am I going to take a step in the right direction if I carry out this task or make this decision right now?”

I love asking myself this question because it is so important in knowing that you are taking steps towards your vision. It will give you the comfort in knowing that you are taking the right action.

When you have a decision to make or an action to take, always ask yourself this question first. It is very easy, if you answer yes to the question then you make the decision or you take the action.

If the answer is no, then you don’t. Be sure though that if you answer no, then you don’t make the decision or take the action because if you do then you will take a step backwards.

You cannot control when obstacles are put in your way, but you can control how you remove them. By taking responsibility for who you are and going on a journey of transformation, you have decided to pursue a life of importance.

Don’t strive to be well known but strive to be worth knowing.

I welcome hearing how this post has influenced the way you think, the way you lead, or the results you have achieved because of what you’ve learned in it. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me by commenting below.

Check out my other articles by Clicking HERE

All the best,

Tom (LeadGrowInfluence)

7 thoughts on “Your Dream Strategy

  1. Hey Tom, I believe we all have great visions, and believe in the ‘hope’ we will achieve them one day!
    It’s like saying ‘I wish I could win the lottery’ or what’s more powerful is to say ‘when I win the lottery’ as you are expecting it to happen?
    It is hard though to stick with that belief, as there are many boundaries that get in the way and stop us in our tracks! and our thoughts and desires go out the window!
    Or, It’s like having a vision board and you can design your journey and keep referring to it, makes it more real!!!
    I have read that those who do lay out a vision board, visualizing that amazing luxury house, car etc it actually comes to them somehow because of the will, the desire, the belief and the hope, that they will have it as it’s on it’s way!!!
    Once again, great job Tom, and lots of food for thought!
    Keep up this very important work.

    1. Hi Julia,

      I appreciate you sharing your insights, means the world to me, and I am very happy that this article resonated with you.

      I agree that visualising and using a vision board is very important when creating the future you want for yourself. I think it is up to the person how the visualise, but we must show them examples of how it worked for others (including ourselves).

      I hope the vision you have created for yourself is becoming more clear to you and you are making the right sacrifices & decisions.

      All the best,


  2. Hi Tom,
    This article truly resonated with me. Your emphasis on the clarity of vision as a prerequisite for any successful strategy is something I wholeheartedly agree with. The metaphor of building surface levels on the foundation of hope is both insightful and practical. It’s a powerful reminder that while hope initiates the journey, it’s the structured layers we add that sustain and guide us.

    Your roadmap concept is particularly inspiring. It’s not just about having a destination in mind but about navigating the journey with informed decisions and strategic actions. I’m curious, what surface levels have you found most crucial in your own transformation? How did you prioritize which ones to establish first?

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and personal experiences. They offer valuable guidance for anyone committed to their own transformative journey.

    1. Hi Chas,

      I am so pleased that this new article resonated with you. It inspires me that you agree with my strategy and I hope you can adopt it to your own vision and the future you have created for yourself.

      It makes me very happy that you can use my road map analogy also, and if you can share this with others who you think it might help, that would be amazing.

      It is my pleasure to share my personal experiences and I thank you again for sharing your own experiences and great insights. I hope people can learn from you, just as much as they can from me…if not more.

      Keep up your very important work my friend, and all the best to you.


  3. Love the quote about “being worth knowing” and we can only do that by having the type of clarity that you have outlined in this article. When we are “clear” on our destination the other pieces will fall into place. The “means” are always provided when we have a clear vision of our heartfelt desire. Of course, there will be challenges along the way and the altering of our initial plan, but that is all part of the process. Thanks so much for these excellent insights.

    1. Hi Joseph,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, means so much to me.

      I am so pleased that you found my article valuable, and I hope it helps you in enhancing the vision you have already created for yourself. If you need any help with it then please don’t hesitate to ask me.

      Keep up the amazing work you do my friend, and I look forward to seeing your next articles and resources.

      All the best,


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