
You’ve heard the phrase, “We all have the same 24 hours in one day.” That is true, so we must be deliberate with how we spend those 24 hours. Do we waste them, or do we invest in them? Our lives are a result how we spend/invest our time. So, […]

Your future cannot be waited for on fate or chance. Your future is a decision that you make and is to be created by you. You achieve your future deliberately not by accident. When you think about your future, and where you want to go and how you are going […]

No matter how good you think you are, if you are insecure then you won’t be as effective. When you are a secure leader, you won’t feel threatened by anyone else. To become a highly effective leader, you must be secure within yourself and the only way to do that […]

The difference between a highly effective leader and a low performing leader is one thing…Character! What you will learn throughout my articles and my website is how to lead your team, grow your influence through your team, and through the organisation. 1. Thinking Like A Highly Effective Leader My goal […]
