It is always good to plan action. But it is far, far better to take action When we discuss being deliberate and being disciplined, these are very similar traits. However, when we break them down, it can be determined that they are actually different traits. When we are being disciplined, […]

As a passionate person, you are more likely to have the desire to work on yourself and improve. By having this passion we are making ourselves more valuable, and therefore we can add more value to our team and others. Passion is what really gets people out of bed in […]

To transform yourself and your team, you must be willing to serve yourself and your team. Highly effective and servant leaders assure their teams, and others in the organisation of the following three things: Am I important to you? Are you trustworthy? Can you help me? They are assured of […]

By embracing responsibility, then we have free reign of working, living and being the best version of ourselves we can be. We have talked about building trust and increasing our influence a lot, because they are the essence of leadership. When it comes to building trust with our boss, what […]