If you want to achieve something amazing in your life, then you must believe that you are amazing. Nobody has ever achieved anything amazing if they didn’t believe in themselves and didn’t believe that they were amazing. Did you know that when something happens to us, and we react or […]

Being logical stimulates a person’s mind. Being motivational stimulates a person’s heart. Have you ever been manipulated within your team? Have you ever seen any of your teammates or colleagues be manipulated? I have been manipulated, and the thing is, I knew I was being manipulated. I just didn’t have […]

Leadership requires action, and a leader must be the first to act. If they are not the first to act then they are a follower. When you are THE FIRST TO HELP other people, without knowing it, we are actually helping ourselves at the same time. Have you ever heard […]

You cannot influence people to buy-in to your change or vision if you cannot influence them to buy into you first. When developing a highly effective leadership culture, the first thing we must accomplish if the buy-in of our team. Not the buy-in of the change of culture, but the […]