Character development is how you are going to sustain the success of reaching the top of the leadership ladder. If a person has a lot of influence with you, it doesn’t mean they will automatically have the same amount of influence with somebody else. Or, they may have a lot […]

To manage people you need to motivate them by telling them to do what is expected. To lead people you need to inspire them to do more than what is expected. To go beyond your position of manager, you need to understand the difference between management and leadership. When managing […]

Being responsible for people is one of the most difficult and most rewarding things we could ever do. Being responsible for numbers is not. Leaders are responsible for people, managers are responsible for numbers. Did you know that there was a difference between management and leadership? Chances are you did, […]

Managers bring in change to processes and things. Highly effective leaders influence how you behave and think about processes and things Do you understand the difference between managing and leading? The behaviours of a manager, and the behaviours of a leader are very different. However, as a highly effective leader, […]