
To climb the ladder, you can’t be the one with your foot on the bottom step To be an engineer for example, you need to have certain qualifications, and regularly be assessed against engineering competencies so that you are still deemed safe and competent to work. 1. Character However, what […]

If you attend a 3 day training course and you come away with one great idea that will help you and your team, then the 3 days has been worth it. Highly effective leaders are constantly searching. What are they searching for? You might ask. They are constantly searching for […]

To achieve true success and develop your character to its full potential then you cannot do it alone. You can only grow to your full potential by helping and with the help of others. By helping others to grow and achieve success will you grow and achieve success. Making the […]

When a leader shares their vision to the team, it becomes the team’s vision. The reason the team follow the leader is because they have that vision that leads to a team goal or purpose. The leader must inspire their team to take on the vision and purpose as their […]