Investing in your processes is a good thing, for the short term. Investing in your people is a great thing, for the short term and the long term. Think wisely when deciding what to invest time and money into. So, now that we know how to teach our leaders, and […]

Working hard is very important. What you work hard on is even more important. One thing we all need to realise is that we all work for ourselves, we do not work for anyone else. That includes YOU. You only work WITH others, this is also including your boss. Throughout […]

Who you “claim” to be is not who you really are. If you don’t know who you are, then others will know before you. Find out who you really are. Leadership is influence and to be a highly effective leader, we need to have influence. So, how do we have […]

When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Do you see someone you love or someone you don’t like? To love yourself, you need to be able to master yourself, otherwise you will be mastered, and constantly see someone you don’t like. When I worked in Liverpool for […]
