
Starting a team, building a team, growing a team, and leading a team is what success is all about. I have discussed earlier in my articles about people who don’t want to share their knowledge with you or anyone else, and the reason for that is because they feel threatened […]

The highly effective leadership WHY: “To develop current leaders and future leaders into highly effective leaders so that, they can develop current leaders and future leaders into highly effective leaders.” The highly effective leadership WHY above is actually my personal WHY, but I like to call it the highly effective leadership WHY so […]

If you have a long-term vision then your short-term failures will feel like learning opportunities and stepping stones towards that vision, instead of feelings of regret and frustration. You wouldn’t believe how much can change within your life in just a few months’ time when we become deliberate about living […]

If you want to become a highly effective leader, you must become highly effective in your growth. We have talked a lot about climbing the leadership ladder, and my role in writing my articles is to help you get to the top of the ladder, if you so wish. In […]
