If you attend a 3 day training course and you come away with one great idea that will help you and your team, then the 3 days has been worth it. Highly effective leaders are constantly searching. What are they searching for? You might ask. They are constantly searching for […]

Who do you think about the most, yourself or others? Throughout my career I have worked with lots of people in the UK from the rail industry and the automotive industry. In my experience a lot of those people I have worked with are very hard working, will go the […]

If you raise up another person, you are also raising yourself up. To leverage your team, you need to share your knowledge. In all industries throughout the world, you will always come across people who don’t like to share their knowledge. They are known as “knowledge hoarders” and they make […]

The reputation you grow, and others see comes from the character you develop within you. Your reputation is what people think, your character is reality. Character is what makes a person and is one of the most important attributes of a highly effective leader. How you behave, think and feel […]